Monday, May 4, 2009

Swine FLu!!!!!!! Game over man, Game over!

A new super virus is plague the world. Swine flu is a mixture of three differnt flus, avian, human , and pig. there is no current vaccine for but one could be made soon. if u dont have it, dont worry. it canbe prevented by simply washing ur hands and eating healyh and geting plenty of rest. its main attack is located around mexico but other cases in other nattions have been reported. Dont panick. Stay healthy and u will be allright.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stem cell research

What are stem cells? they are celle that have the poitental to become any cells and repairing certain illnesies. there are two types of stem cells, embryonic which are devrived from embryoes and adult. I perfer adult stem cells because they arent taken from poitental babies. these things come with a price.
this is a link for info on stem cell reserch

click here

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chimp assults woman!

Once again we have a person who thinks they make king kong into a chuwawa. A lady was attacked by her friends pet. was it a dog, a cat, a gerbal? no it was a freakn chimpanzy! Where did she get one of those in the 1st place!? The animal was in such a rage that police had to shoot it and kill it to stop it. This is just like the incident with the tiger. That tiger wasnt going crazy, it was going tiger! So learn from this and dont take animals like that for pets. you could regrait it1

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
to day in class I we worked on our biology reports. i learn something very interesting in my reserch about the animals found on the island. the only mammal on the island are bats. no monkeys, no big cats , just bats. its interresting to see that only one mammal lives on the island.

Thursday, January 29, 2009